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Investigaion of care needs, driving forces, and challenges in the caregiving system of orphan and vulnerable children in Iran
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et.
- Title: Investigaion of care needs, driving forces, and challenges in the caregiving system of orphan and vulnerable children in Iran
- Writers: Seyyed Mohsen asgarinekah, Hassan Eslamian, Mahmood Saeedy Rezvani, Neda Mohammadzade Naghashan.
- Abstract: The present study aimed to investigate Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) care needs and determine the related driving forces and challenges. The current study adhered to a qualitative emergent design to obtain insight into the attitudes of all individuals engaged in providing care services for OVC. In addition, the challenges and driving forces concerning satisfying OVC care needs were investigated employing the focus group method. Based on the findings, a majority of the care needs of OVC included physical health, psychological, educational, social working, and finally, physical/anatomical needs. Overall, the present study mainly aimed to uncover the essential care needs of OVC, along with the challenges and driving forces regarding usual OVC caregiving in Iran. Managers should pave the way for desirably meeting OVC care needs through attracting further financial and spiritual support, as well as the cooperation of the contributing organizations and key partners and qualified human sources.
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- Place of Publication:
پیوند مقاله
Predicting the Moral and Personality Traits Emphasized by Islam Based on the Subjective Well-being (SWB) of Students in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the Implications of its Economic Education
- Title:Predicting the Moral and Personality Traits Emphasized by Islam Based on the Subjective Well-being (SWB) of Students in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the Implications of its Economic Education
- writers:• VAHID ARSHADI 1 • Azadeh Zafarmand 2 • Zahra Khodadoust 3 • zeynab shirzad 4 1 Assistant Professor of Department of Islamic Economics, Research Center of Islamic Studies in the Humanities, Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad 2 MA in Studies of Curriculum, Research Center for Islamic Studies in Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 3 PhD Student in Iranian Economics, Faculty of Office and Economic Sciences in Mashhad, Ferdowsi University if Mashhad 4 PhD student in Higher Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University
- Abstract: Islamic doctrines and human experiences show that material comfort and well-being (objective well-being) may be achieved in the life of every human being, but for some reason a sense of life satisfaction and happiness (subjective well-being) is not achieved. The present study seeks to explain that the institutionalization of personality and moral characteristics emphasized by Islam along with economic education has the capacity to increase the subjective well-being (SWB) in addition to providing objective well-being. In this study, by using descriptive-survey method along with a questionnaire and random sampling method in selecting 451 students from the student community of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, the relationships of moral and personality traits of patience, creativity, self-confidence, self-esteem and risk-taking with subjective well-being (SWB) has been examined. The findings of this study show that there is a significant direct relationship between these variables and subjective well-being. Also, based on regression analysis, self-confidence, patience and self-esteem can significantly increase students' subjective well-being. The education system of any society can play its role in increasing life satisfaction by recognizing significant predictor variables in the creation of this state and using its tools. .
- Keywords: subjective well-being, patience, self-esteem, self-confidence, risk-taking, creativity, economic education
- محل انتشار:تربیت اسلامی، دوره (16)، شماره (33)، سال (2020-9) ، صفحات (7-31)
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Collective Order within Family; An Axial Phenomenon regarding the Effect of Islamic Teachings on the Economic Action of Family: A Study Based on the Grounded Theory
- Title:Collective Order within Family; An Axial Phenomenon regarding the Effect of Islamic Teachings on the Economic Action of Family: A Study Based on the Grounded Theory
- writers: Vahid Arshadhi (Doctoral student of economics at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad), Mostafa Salimifar (Professor of the Department of Economics at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad), Ali Akbar Naji Maidani (Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad), Behrouz Mehram (Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)
- Abstract: The present article aims to identify the intermediate factors regarding the effect of Islamic teachings on family economic action through an interpretative and multifactorial approach. The method is qualitative and is based on grounded theory method”. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the matter, a semi-structured interview with 16 experts on Islamic economy, Muslim consumer behavior, educational sciences, psychology and sociology and the issue of values and actions has served as the main research tool. The samples were selected through purposive sampling and snowball method, and interviews were conducted to the point of theoretical saturation. Findings of data analysis in this three steps show that factors such as the synergy of the high quality of transfer of teachings from formal and informal education institutes, high quality of the perception of teachings by family members, high quality of family income resources, and faith and belief in the accountability in the Hereafter can create collective order within family based on the subjective value of Islamic economic teaching. The collective order is influenced by "underlying" and "structural" factors and leads to discretion behavior. This paper is also innovative in terms of its profound look into the formation of economic behavior within the family.
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- Place of publication:
پیوند مقاله
Evaluation of Efficiency of Signals of Choosing Educational Field From The Perspective of Labor Market Needs
- Title:Evaluation of Efficiency of Signals of Choosing Educational Field From The Perspective of Labor Market Needs
- Authors: Vahid Arshadhi, Reza Tavakoli Jaghargh, Majid Monfard, Javad Ghiashi امیرحسین اخروی
- Abstract: Due to the undesirable phenomenon of graduate unemployment and its negative effects, Addressing the issue of how to major choice is of particular importance. The main question of the research is whether the existing signals of choosing a field have been effective in guiding people in accordance with the needs of the labor market? The method of this research is descriptive-analytical; It has been a combination of documentary studies, qualitative statistical analysis (descriptive statistics) and analytical statistics (cross-sectional econometrics). The findings of this study, which was conducted using the data of the years (2006-2018) and controlled by the province and the type of university, show in major choice of volunteers, no attention is paid to the unemployment rate of that field. The non-significance of the unemployment rate coefficient in the above model confirms the hypothesis that the unemployment rate of the field (main independent variable) does not explain the registration rate in that field (dependent variable), Therefore, the unemployment rate of the field in any of the six fields, in any type of universities and in any of the provinces, has no significant effect on the rate of major choice. According to the theoretical and experimental background of research in many other countries, there is a problem and weakness and they have followed solutions for it. Keywords:
- Keyword: Field Selection Signals, Labor Market, Efficiency
- Place of Publication: Article: Economic Modeling Research Summer 1400 No. 44
پیوند مقاله
Investigating the simultaneous relationship between resilience and economic growth with emphasis on foreign investment
- Title:Investigating the simultaneous relationship between resilience and economic growth with emphasis on foreign investment
- Writers:Hossein Amiri and Vahid Arshadhi
- Abstract: Over time and the development of economic theories, several variables have been proposed as factors affecting economic growth. Among these, the role of foreign investment fluctuations and indicators of a resilient economy is of great importance. Therefore, due to the importance of these variables, in this paper, using the system of simultaneous equations, the impact of economic growth on changes in foreign investment and the resistance economy index in the Iranian economy during the years1996-2020 is investigated. The results show a positive and significant relationship between economic growth and resilience, the degree of openness of the economy and growth of physical capital. Also, in the second equation, there is a positive and significant relationship between economic growth and resilience. Therefore, in order to strengthen these two variables, we need policies that internalize the economy with an extroverted approach. In this direction, we need to deregulate the path of business and open the path of the productive sector of the economy.
- Key Word: Foreign direct investment, economic growth, simultaneous equations
- Place of Publication: Strategic and macro policies of the 9th year of 1400
پیوند مقاله
The Meta-Analysis of Resistance Economics Studies in Iran: Identify the Factors Affecting the Strength of the Internal Structure of the Organization Against Shock
- Title: The Meta-Analysis of Resistance Economics Studies in Iran: Identify the Factors Affecting the Strength of the Internal Structure of the Organization Against Shock
- Writers: Vahid Arshadi, Javad Nobakht- Reza Esmailpour sani- Saeed Seyed Hosseinzadeh Yazdi
- Abstract: Authentic documents published by scientific, regulatory and executive institutions indicate that a decade after the announcement of the general policies of the resistance economy by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and also his emphasis on their importance in the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution of Iran; These policies have not been implemented to an acceptable level and have caused economic shocks to affect people's lives. This paper seeks to methodically identify the variables that can be observed to implement the general policies of the resistance economy. This study assumes that researchers in resistance economics believe that the economy is resilient to possible shocks to the economy and have been concerned with the implementation of the general policies of the resistance economy at various levels Using meta-analysis method, more than 200 papers with scientific research degree related to the subject of resistance economics from 1391 to the end of 1399 have been reviewed. Distributed identified factors and barriers and their sub-components at three times before implementation, between implementation and after implementation; After holding scientific meetings about them and validation by experts, they have been introduced as an observable variable to measure the organization's resilience to shocks. Executive and supervisory managements In order to implement the general policies of the resistance economy at any level, organizations should try to monitor the introduced variables and try to strengthen the operating variables; And undermine barrier variables
- Key Word: Variables General Policy General Policies of Resistance Economics Internal Strength Analytical shocks
- Place of Publication: Islamic Economic Studies of the 14th year, autumn and winter 1400, number 1 (27 in a row)
پیوند مقاله
Modeling the behavior of choosing a field and the role of labor market information in it. meta-analysis
- Title: Modeling the behavior of choosing a field and the role of labor market information in it. meta-analysis
- Writers: Vahid Arshadhi, Javad Ghiashi, Reza Tavakoli Jaghargh, Majid Monfared, Tayyaba Azdi
- Abstract: Choosing an education field is individually one of the most important decisions of life; and from the perspective of the educational system and the labor market is an important social-economic process. Due to the effects of this decision, research in domain of modeling, identifying the factors affecting the choice of field and determining the weight of various factors, determining the optimality of choices from the perspective of labor market needs and finally designing and evaluating methods to eliminate mismatch between the field of study and job is very important. But this field of research in Iran is very neglected and lags behind in terms of analytical framework and method. For this reason, the question that what modeling frameworks, research methods, and policies are in place to address the field-job mismatch was selected as the central issue of the research and based on this, previous studies were categorized and analyzed. In general, three macro approaches were identified in modeling the behavior of the field selection; Modeling approach, investing in human capital approach and the mismatch approach. An examination of empirical research based on all three approaches shows that there is always a serious divergence between the outcome of discipline choice behavior and labor market needs. According to the results of meta-analysis, this gap has existed seriously over time and between different countries, even developed countries. Therefore, based on global experiences, various political interventions have been categorized and suggested to solve this problem.
- Key Word: Labor market; choosing the field of study; Education System; mismatch; Metaanalysis
- Place of Publication: Iranian economic essays of the 17th year, autumn and winter 2019, number 34
پیوند مقاله
A Study of Economic Resistance to Business Environment: A Comparative Study of the Scandinavian and MENA Countries
- Title: A Study of Economic Resistance to Business Environment: A Comparative Study of the Scandinavian and MENA Countries
- Writers: Vahid Arshadhi, Hossein Amiri, Masoumeh Barani
- Abstract: Introduction Considering the harmful and destabilizing effects of crises and shocks on the business environment, in this study, using panel models and using the annual data of the Scandinavian and MENA countries for the period 2016-2010, the effect of economic resistance indices along with other macroeconomic variables on the business environment index is examined. By implementing strategies to maximize their country's resistance to shocks, they strive to provide the path and pattern of sustainable economic growth and development with the least strain. Theoretical Foundations In the 1990s, the importance of "business environment" as a link between micro and macroeconomics space was raised in economic literature. The Index of Improvement or Ease of Business environment, due to the nature of its formation, has a new and unique approach that has been put on the World Bank's agenda since 2003 under the title of ease of doing business index. De Soto (2000) has been involved in designing the concept of the business environment and policymaking to remove barriers in the way of the private sector as the main strategy of economic development above all economists. The business environment is an influencing factor on the performance of firms that managers or owners of firms strive to improve.
- Key Word: Economic resistance, business environment, tabular data Community Verified icon
- Place of Publication: Economy and regional development, new autumn and winter period 2018, number 18
پیوند مقاله
Read out of the mother's retaliation against the murder of the child in light of the objectives of Sharia.
- Title:Read out of the mother's retaliation against the murder of the child in light of the objectives of Sharia.
- writers:Seyed Negin Hassanzadeh Khabaz Seyyed Mohammad Javad Sadati Ali Elahi Khorasani
- Abstract:With the idea of systematization through jurisprudence, many sub-systems were formed based on jurisprudence opinions. Iran's legal system is no exception to this rule. The legal formation based on Islam caused many jurists to enter the law field. The condition of lacking paternity is among the cases that have entered the field of law from Shia jurisprudence. The pervasiveness of legal laws, especially criminal regulations, has caused social developments and demands to tolerate some traditional jurisprudence opinions, such as the father's non-retaliation and the mother's retaliation for the murder of a child. The theory of creating a dynamic jurisprudence and keeping pace with the day's developments has created capacities to pass from textual jurisprudence to document. The purposes of the Sharia, the requirements of time and place, and the jurisprudential rule of justice are among the capacities that have enabled the dynamics of jurisprudence. In this research, by using the principle of justice as one of the main purposes of Sharia, the existence of differences between fathers and mothers in implementing retaliation punishment has been examined.
- Keywords:Purposes of the Sharia, Retaliation of the Mother, Justice, Legal Systematization, Conventional Justice
- Publishers:Volume 8, Number 1 - Serial Number 26 Scientific research articles With the participation of the first national theological conference of the city
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Read out the knowledge structure of principle, focusing on legal validity as a prelude to the interaction of jurisprudence with other sciences
- Title:Read out the knowledge structure of principle, focusing on legal validity as a prelude to the interaction of jurisprudence with other sciences
- Abstract:Ali Elahi Khorasani - Hamidreza Tamdan
- چکیده:We may consider validities as literary or legal in the validity read out of religious discourses. In the first type, what exists is born of the mind, which can be changed according to the societies and cultures that govern them. Unlike the first type, legal validity does not only seek to influence the audience's emotions, but its identity originates from society and external realities. However, legal validities are rooted in literary validity. In this legal discourse, legal discourses are like laws imposed on the profession of rational legislation. Now, the knowledge of the principles can be formulated and divided in a new way by focusing on legal validity and a logical and organized course. Based on this new division, there will be an opportunity to raise legal issues in jurisprudence and its interaction with other fields, unlike the common structure, which seems incoherent and disregards the legality of rulings.
- Keywords: Discourses, Literary Validity, Legal Validity, Ayatollah Sistani, Structure, Science of Principles.
- Publishers: Fiqh and Usul Scientific Research Quarterly Volume 54, Number 1 - Serial Number 128 June 1401