The research group of Islamic jurisprudence and law of the research institute started to work in 2016.
This research group, with an interdisciplinary approach, deals with issues that are applicable in human social life and have a jurisprudential and legal aspect; such as: political jurisprudence, security jurisprudence, criminal jurisprudence, jurisprudence and international law, jurisprudence and citizenship law, jurisprudence and human rights, jurisprudence of culture and civilization, medical jurisprudence, and etc.
The research group of Islamic jurisprudence and law, using the scientific-research potential of the law department in the Faculty of "Administrative Sciences and Economics" and the jurisprudence department in the Faculty of "Theology and Islamic Studies" of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, has been able to develop research projects and specialized books in areas related to its goals. One of the missions of this research group is to hold workshops, webinars, seasonal schools, and national and international conferences.

- Position: Group Manager
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Email:
- Personal page:

- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Email:
- Personal page:

- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Email:
- Personal page:
- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Email:
- Personal page: http ://

- Position: Group Member
- Acadmic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
- Email:
- Personal page:

- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
- Email:
- Personal page:

- Position: Member of the Scientific Council
- Academic rank: #
- Email: #
- Personal page: #

- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
- Email:
- Personal page:

- Position: Group Member
- Academic rank: Professor of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
- Email:
- Personal page: